
County Administration Documents

Bowls Leicestershire Constitution, Rules & Regulations
The Constitution was amended and approved at the AGM of 15 November 2019. The Rules for the running of each of the Mens and Ladies Sections are kept up to date by the respective Management Committees. The Section Rules have to be approved by the BL Executive Board.  These have also been updated and approved at the respective FINAL Section Annual General Meetings held in 2019.
The Constitution is a living document and is meant to be updated on a regular basis. For Bowls Leicestershire, this is very much work-in-progress, given the evolution into becoming a unified body.
The County and Bowls England
Bowls Leicestershire does the following as required by BE...
  • submit a copy of their Constitution and/or Rules and Regulations to Bowls England
  • forwards a list of affiliated Clubs, together with the names and addresses of the Club Contacts to the CEO of Bowls England
  • adopts Bowls England current Regulation 9 and, if/when required, nominates members of a DISCIPLINARY and APPEALS COMMITTEE one of which acts as chair of the committee.

BL Policy Documents

Bowls Leicestershire has now adopted a Safeguarding Policy and produced working documentation to support the policy. Copies of which are available here. This is a living document and the County is commited to reviewing this on a regular basis as stated in the document itself. We are happy to receive feedback on these documents from those with expert knowledge or practical interest.
Safeguarding Courses
Bowls Leicestershire occasionally arranges Safeguarding Courses in Leicestershire for the benefit of its affiliated clubs.  These are run in conjunction with the BDA (Bowls Development Alliance).  Funding is available via Bowls England to help with the attendance cost.  Follow this link to the BE Bursary Application Form.
Safeguarding Adults Course
A new BDA Course is almost in final form and will be available soon.  BE Funding will help with the attendance cost as per Safeguarding for the young.  Link to Bursary Form above.
A very worthwhile YOU TUBE VIDEO PRESENTATION produced  by the Ann Craft Trust is available via this link... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCoUlhITzWM

CODE OF CONDUCT - Updated October 2023

All players representing Bowls Leicestershire shall adhere to the following code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

BL Ladies Section Policies
These are additional notes to the Rules of the Ladies Section. They cover extra information on the function of the Section.

Various Policies have been drawn into the Ladies Section Rules (see list below):

General Policies

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